Jeter Galloway, President Unprecedented
A feckless president, almost unprecedented
Sits on his corporate throne, a puppet all alone
He raises his sceptre, aimed at cash like a vector
“Here be my leadership,” he screeches
His back bent from laborious speeches
“Money, money sweet dears and honey
Is sweeter than academic rigour and much neater,” says the hunchbacked teacher
“The mob cry for a leader!”
He spies a crowd of rowdy students, eager eager
“And they shall have whom they deserve”
So he tips his hat, and jumps a little back
Pushes in his chair, grabs a coat from the rack
And towards the window he runs.
“Err, ugm, ahh” he says with the confidence
Of a stair
“Body Corporate don’t just stare”
“Tell me what to say
Do we change the name
Or keep it the same
Do we allow free speech, hey
Or has that become too blase”
The Body Corporate, eighteen inordinate
Fat cats with big hats
Smile and nod
Then point with one rod
To the blackboard
Their shield and sword
Which says
“In times of distress
When you feel oppress’d
And then the crowd will cheer you proud
For your brevity, sanity and utmost humanity!”
So the hunchbacked teacher, and beautiful creature
Up, uppity jumps and yells with a few thumps
And the rowdy crowdy once so loudy,
Is appeased from the head to the knees
And each to his own
Walks home
And pats himself on the back
That they the administration did crack
While New Haven bleeds, and burns
At least more can join the elite in turns!
The crowd and the president dance and twirl
And all the Yale flag unfurl
“Hurray, Hurray” they cried with absolution
“DIVERSITY” and “INCLUSION” in our prestigious institution!