Neutrons, Protons and Electrons

Adam Saul Krok
2 min readAug 19, 2023


Before now, there has never been a telos in the physical sciences. What I am trying to introduce is the idea that every physical process results in a preset outcome.

If we apply the teleological method of physics then we can see that the point of electrons and protons is to form neutrons. Neutrons are the combination of electrons and protons and come about when there is a perfect combination of a proton and an electron. Every proton and electron fluctuates in an imperfect combination of mass and masslessness or mass and velocity respectively. That means a proton can be either > or < than pi or a electron can be > or < than e. Only when a proton becomes pi exactly while simultaneously an electron becomes e exactly will this result in a neutron being formed.

The trapped-in nature of neutrons at pi.e produces the quantum states of energy seen around the nuclear orbitals. At every orbital there are different number of electrons which results in different numbers of neutrons being formed.

It is worthwhile to point out here that neutrons are probably better referred to as gravitons since they are the second order entity responsible for pulling together electrons and protons.

Furthermore we may add that there are a countable infinite number of opposite-opposite pairs which act on each other in this way, with their second order Union being the prime unifier of the two opposites. That is, just like a neutron brings together an electron and a proton being their contradictory Union so too will a substance called a neutro-neutron bring together a neutron and a hypothetical anti-neutron.


