Philosophy or a Vision into the Essence of Things Otherwise Known as the Forms Pt. 4

Adam Saul Krok
3 min readDec 25, 2021



  1. The Uncovering of Non-Rational Laws of the Universe Imposed by the Absolute Being

The first thing to note is the separability of Absolute Being (God) and this universe. God is limitless and beyond definition while this world is limited, defined and demarcated. He relates to the universe in a different way than humans do. This is because our naturalistic bodies and conceptual minds are part of, and emergent from, this dualistic universe. Man, Woman; Strength, Beauty; Truth, Falsehood — everything is binary in this world. God, Absolute Being, is the only Unity, expressed in the Jewish prayer of Shema (Hear, O Israel, The Lord our God, The Lord is One)

Since God is a Unity, his decrees and laws defy traditional reason. It was the Jews who first revealed the inscrutable will of the Absolute Being, which includes laws of sacrifice, kashrut (kosherness), purity and the Sabbath. The Christians continued this tradition with the mystical notion of the Trinity — Father (Spirituality), Son (Materiality), and the Holy Ghost (Spirituality-Materiality).

2. The Description of the Nature of the Absolute Being, as It Relates to Itself and the Universe

All the knowledge in this section of my philosophy is knowledge beyond the grasp of traditional reason and only within the field of mystical intuition, or a direct, immediate connection to God through divine union. This is why all this information has come to us through divinely-inspired prophets and sages.

Now, the description of God Himself is vast and numerous. He is said to be the shield of the righteous, the healer of all flesh, the clother of the naked, the master of the stars. Knowledge of him can be differentiated into what he is like and how he acts in the world. According to Kabbalah, he has ten attributes which regulate his wisdom in this world in an intricate, ineffable way. According to Judaism, he has innumerable names (YHWH, EL SHADDAI, etc etc) all of which describe a different facet of His Being

3. The Narrative of the Universe, and its Telos

According to Revelation, God has a distinct plan for the universe embodied in the narratives of the righteous who come to recognize the supremacy of the Lord in Creation — Adam, Noah, Avraham, Yitzchak, Ya’akov, Joseph and his Twelve Sons, Moses, the Jews, the Prophets, Judges and Kings, Jesus and the Christians, Mohammed and the Muslims, and perhaps more modern prophets who have yet to be recognized.

In this narrative is the Genesis and the Eschatology of the universe. God created the world in seven days and rested on the last. God started the history of humanity by imbuing Adam with the spirit of God and knowledge of the Lord. And he decreed from the beginning of time, within eternity, the coming of an Ultimate Messiah of which the Jews and Christians disagree about his identity.

4. Relationship between God and Man

The essence of this section is that God, unlike the Deistic conception of him, which imagines God set the world in motion and then retired to an isolated eternity, is intimately involved in the affairs of man. It states that he helps, guides and leads the righteous and the good in this world while punishing the wicked. It also states that the righteous have their reward waiting for them in Paradise while the wicked have their punishment waiting for them, either in Hell according to Christianity and Islam or Gehinnom (or a shadowy Purgatory similar to the Ancient Greek conception of the afterlife.) according to Judaism.



Adam Saul Krok
Adam Saul Krok

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