That fire is a molecule (H0) and that all elements can be described in terms of pi and e

I have described in previous articles the transcendental numbers pi and e and their union pi.e as nothingness or an infinitesimal dot. Let us apply this analysis to chemistry.

Pi.e the smallest and simplest element must be the physical magnitude of the element hydrogen. This is the base of the periodical table.

Furthermore I know through introspection that water or H2O is pi. That is pi is perfect non-change or space and it can be nothing other than water which is pure space.

Knowing this we can work out what e is, or fire since fire is pure change or time itself. H20=pi. or pi^2.e^2.O=pi therefore O= 1/pi. e^2)

Now HO= pi.e. 1/pi.e^2 = 1/e = e ( theorem: derivative = integral)

Fire therefore is HO

